How To Find The Right Help For Your Invention

Inventor Help Choices
Choosing the right help depends on your invention and you

Finding the right help depends on your invention and you. Before seeking help, do an assessment of yourself and your invention so you can target your search and find the right fit for your needs. You may want someone to handle everything for you or may only need help in a few areas. Consider:


  • How much commercial potential (is there a strong market)?
  • What technologies and materials?
  • What market?
  • What stage of development?


  • Personal capabilities for engineering, prototyping, patent writing, marketing?
  • Business abilities (sales, leadership, finance)?
  • Financial resources?
  • Goal: licensing or venturing

Spend as little as possible, but as much as necessary. When seeking help be sure to ask if the resource has had experience (and success) with the service you are requesting. If you're seeking a partner or investor, look for more than money, look also for skills, experience and connections. There's no single pathway to success. But a fundamental rule is to confirm that there's a market for your invention before spending time and money on it.

- Mike

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