Mike Marks Bio:

24 years of experience developing, licensing, sourcing, manufacturing and marketing simple consumer products that have generated an estimated $500 million in retail sales over the past 2 decades. Co-Founder of WorkTools, Inc. Endeavor Tool Company, InventionCity, Accentra, MoreBeach.com. Successful products include: PaperPro desktop staplers, PowerShot staple guns, Gator-Grip universal sockets, Sandjam'R skimboards, Midnight Eyes Halloween lights, SqueezeDriver rotary screwdriver, Monster Hook and more. Unsuccessful products too numerous to mention. Familiar with the processes of patent writing, enforcement and litigation. Refundable consulating fee: $250 for 30 minutes. For a review of your invention with a possible licensing deal check out Mike's Brutally Honest Review.

Michael Marks

Mike Marks

Advisor for:
- Invention Evaluation
- Marketing
- Licensing
- Consulting fee: $250 for 30 minutes.

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