We are pleased to work with inventors from across the world. The best way to make initial contact with us is by either using our contact form or by sending an email to The contact form incorporates our Confidentiality Agreement and enables us to get a faster understanding of your invention and how we can best help you.

Invention City conducts its business almost entirely online and we are unable to respond to general inquiries via postal mail service. Please contact us either by email, phone or contact form and be sure to provide a valid email address. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We do offer an exception for a Brutally Honest Review by conventional mail, for which there is an additional fee.
Email is a great way to communicate with us. It enables us to forward to message to the correct team member and provides everyone with a record of what's being communicated.
- General Inquiries: - Brutally Honest Reviews: - Prototyping, Patents, Presentation and Survey Services: - Unsolicited inventions submitted via email will be considered as a Free Invention Submission and received under our Confidentiality Agreement.
Try chatting with our support team here.
If you call by phone, please leave a clear voice message after the prompt. Your voice message will be sent to us via text/email and we will then respond. A better way to get a message to us is via email.
NOTE: If you are calling from outside of N America, please be sure to provide your email address .
Boston, Minneapolis, Los Angeles
(meetings by appointment only).
Submit Brutally Honest Review by Mail

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